Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Feathers, hot glue, ice cream and classical music.

Cristal and I are making hair pieces tonight. They're pretty much amazing in every way. But now it happens to be quite past the second hour of the night and I am tired of making them. We've been going at it since 8:30 with a short break in between to get delicious ice cream (vanilla dipped in chocolate for Cristal and Oreo with mint for myself.) and visit Austin at work. Really though, we've been working hard. Definitely made some neat stuff.

Anyway, I was lying by the door and pointed to Jose and said
"See? There's my ass."
Cristal replied, "I like him."
"Jose likes to... Oh never mind. That would be swearing."
"What were you going to say?"
"Jose likes to sit on his ass..."
"I like to sit on mine, too."

How am I supposed to not love this girl? I mean, honestly. Hahaha. :)
For sure one of the best nights I've had in a while.

No worries. I'll be posting pictures of our pretty creations soon. :)


Monday, June 7, 2010

Noah's Farce?

I was going through some old Word documents today, and I happened to stumble upon one of my old writing assignments from last year. In theatre, we had to write a script on a story or fairy-tale. I chose Noah's Ark. Last year I was really embarrassed about it because I didn't think I was a good writer. Going through this story again made me rethink that statement. I made myself laugh. Granted, I always make myself laugh, but this time felt different. It was like I wasn't reading my own script. It was someone else's. And it was legitimately funny to me. I wanted to share it.

Noah’s Farce?
(Noah’s wife cleaning in kitchen. Noah walks in. Noah is “ad libbing” the entire time, so there are lots of pauses and scrambling for thought)

Wife: Hi, Noah dear. How was your day?
Noah: (hesitantly) Oh! It was interesting.
Wife: Really? Interesting how?
Noah: (pauses) A friend came to visit.
Wife: A friend? Anyone I know?
Noah: Well, he’s pretty well known—by most people, really.
Wife: You mean like a celebrity?
Noah: Uh, yeah! Like a celebrity.
Wife: Wow, dear, I never you had such a high status among people. I thought you were considered as sort of a nut, what with all the preaching.
Noah: Other people might think I’m a nut, but this man is very down to earth! He visited me to give me a special job opportunity.
Wife: A job? Well, I hope it’s better than the last one you had. I mean honestly. That last man ran you to the ground.
Noah: He’ll be better than the boss before. I promise. He’s very rewarding. And… kind.
Wife: So what’s the job?
Noah: A boat. An ark, actually. He wants me to build a giant ark for all of his animals. He’s very passionate with his animals.
Wife: An ark, for what? And for animals? What is this all for?
Noah: He says the world is going to flood. He wants us and our family and whoever believes him to use it, too. That’s my other job—getting other people to believe him, as well as building the ark. So I’ve got my hands full.
Wife: How in the world does he know that the earth is going to flood? Since when do people know these things?
Noah: You might say he works in weather a lot.
Wife: Honey, you have me terribly confused! Would you mind telling me what is going on, and who this man is?
Noah: Well, there’s no need to beat around the bush. The “friend” would be God, and he commanded me to build the ark because he’s going to flood the earth, what with all the evil people and their obstinacy, and the ark is where we’ll put all the animals.
Wife: You’re kidding. Tell me you’re joking. (waits for answer) Say, “April Fools!” or something!
Noah: Um, April Fools.
Wife: (stunned) You’re actually serious, aren’t you?
Noah: That would be correct.
Wife: Oh dear. (thinks) Hold on, you said you were putting animals on the ark. You can’t expect me to believe you are going to put every single animal on God’s green earth on one ark. It’s not feasible!
Noah: Not all animals, of course. Just two from every species.
Wife: And how do you propose we get all the animals here, FedEx?
Noah: Of course not! We’ll use UPS. (laughs) Be realistic, dear, God will send them to us.
Wife: All right. If you’re so sure, and you are honestly going to go through with it, then I support you one hundred percent.
Noah: Thanks, dear. Well, I have to go try my luck with the people. What time is dinner?
Wife: Six-thirty, as usual. Don’t be late, please.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Two people who absolutely adore me, and I them.

So two people who between them call me practically every day. Sometimes two. I dig it. Their names are Alexis Marie Williams and Tanners Ross Shipp. How neat. They're exceedingly fun people. I like them a lot.

This is my post. I am Megan.
