Wednesday, July 27, 2011

There's a Tempest blowing in!

I'm in my favorite Shakespeare piece: The Tempest. It's a blast. Being a sprite has been one of the best roles I've ever had. Just being in the throes of the theatre makes me happy.

I don't want it to end, but all good things must.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Feathers, hot glue, ice cream and classical music.

Cristal and I are making hair pieces tonight. They're pretty much amazing in every way. But now it happens to be quite past the second hour of the night and I am tired of making them. We've been going at it since 8:30 with a short break in between to get delicious ice cream (vanilla dipped in chocolate for Cristal and Oreo with mint for myself.) and visit Austin at work. Really though, we've been working hard. Definitely made some neat stuff.

Anyway, I was lying by the door and pointed to Jose and said
"See? There's my ass."
Cristal replied, "I like him."
"Jose likes to... Oh never mind. That would be swearing."
"What were you going to say?"
"Jose likes to sit on his ass..."
"I like to sit on mine, too."

How am I supposed to not love this girl? I mean, honestly. Hahaha. :)
For sure one of the best nights I've had in a while.

No worries. I'll be posting pictures of our pretty creations soon. :)


Monday, June 7, 2010

Noah's Farce?

I was going through some old Word documents today, and I happened to stumble upon one of my old writing assignments from last year. In theatre, we had to write a script on a story or fairy-tale. I chose Noah's Ark. Last year I was really embarrassed about it because I didn't think I was a good writer. Going through this story again made me rethink that statement. I made myself laugh. Granted, I always make myself laugh, but this time felt different. It was like I wasn't reading my own script. It was someone else's. And it was legitimately funny to me. I wanted to share it.

Noah’s Farce?
(Noah’s wife cleaning in kitchen. Noah walks in. Noah is “ad libbing” the entire time, so there are lots of pauses and scrambling for thought)

Wife: Hi, Noah dear. How was your day?
Noah: (hesitantly) Oh! It was interesting.
Wife: Really? Interesting how?
Noah: (pauses) A friend came to visit.
Wife: A friend? Anyone I know?
Noah: Well, he’s pretty well known—by most people, really.
Wife: You mean like a celebrity?
Noah: Uh, yeah! Like a celebrity.
Wife: Wow, dear, I never you had such a high status among people. I thought you were considered as sort of a nut, what with all the preaching.
Noah: Other people might think I’m a nut, but this man is very down to earth! He visited me to give me a special job opportunity.
Wife: A job? Well, I hope it’s better than the last one you had. I mean honestly. That last man ran you to the ground.
Noah: He’ll be better than the boss before. I promise. He’s very rewarding. And… kind.
Wife: So what’s the job?
Noah: A boat. An ark, actually. He wants me to build a giant ark for all of his animals. He’s very passionate with his animals.
Wife: An ark, for what? And for animals? What is this all for?
Noah: He says the world is going to flood. He wants us and our family and whoever believes him to use it, too. That’s my other job—getting other people to believe him, as well as building the ark. So I’ve got my hands full.
Wife: How in the world does he know that the earth is going to flood? Since when do people know these things?
Noah: You might say he works in weather a lot.
Wife: Honey, you have me terribly confused! Would you mind telling me what is going on, and who this man is?
Noah: Well, there’s no need to beat around the bush. The “friend” would be God, and he commanded me to build the ark because he’s going to flood the earth, what with all the evil people and their obstinacy, and the ark is where we’ll put all the animals.
Wife: You’re kidding. Tell me you’re joking. (waits for answer) Say, “April Fools!” or something!
Noah: Um, April Fools.
Wife: (stunned) You’re actually serious, aren’t you?
Noah: That would be correct.
Wife: Oh dear. (thinks) Hold on, you said you were putting animals on the ark. You can’t expect me to believe you are going to put every single animal on God’s green earth on one ark. It’s not feasible!
Noah: Not all animals, of course. Just two from every species.
Wife: And how do you propose we get all the animals here, FedEx?
Noah: Of course not! We’ll use UPS. (laughs) Be realistic, dear, God will send them to us.
Wife: All right. If you’re so sure, and you are honestly going to go through with it, then I support you one hundred percent.
Noah: Thanks, dear. Well, I have to go try my luck with the people. What time is dinner?
Wife: Six-thirty, as usual. Don’t be late, please.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Two people who absolutely adore me, and I them.

So two people who between them call me practically every day. Sometimes two. I dig it. Their names are Alexis Marie Williams and Tanners Ross Shipp. How neat. They're exceedingly fun people. I like them a lot.

This is my post. I am Megan.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

ACK! I just sneezed!

Wow. Just wow. I read through all of my previous posts, and maybe two entries had a relevant title. That's... odd.

And... I had some weird punctuation and grammatical decisions going. Just saying.

But I did laugh at all of Celeste's comments. She's a witty girl, she is.

I also wanted to mention that earlier today, I was reading through that witty girl's blog. I finished early on my biology test so I hopped on and took a peek! It was really dumb of me to do it in the middle of the test lab while everyone was around me taking a test. I basically wanted to pee my pants her posts were so hilarious. But I had to refrain. For one, peeing your pants in the middle of school is about the worst thing you could do. For two, I had to be considerate of the others around me by not bursting out into very loud laughter. For three, I was sitting next to the kid I have liked since the beginning of the year whom I cannot talk to for odd and unknown reasons, and I really did not want to make him think I was any more of a geeky loser. I wanted to show him her posts, but he seemed very involved in his online game of pinball. So I just teared up and silently laughed to myself. It was... special.

I burnt my tongue tonight. Drinking hot cocoa. I hate burning my mouth. It's awful. I am not enjoying this. :(

Wow. I have this incredible migraine. I took a muscle relaxer about... say, forty minutes ago. I think it's kicking in because I cannot spell or type or say smart things for my life. I would laugh at myself if I had the energy. So I guess I'll just sit here. Hmmm. I wonder what I look like right now. Probably a droopy-eyed idiot wriggling her eyebrows to express herself. hahaha

I would like to appologize right now for all of the stupid things I just typed. I don't know how intelligent they sound. Blame it on the pill. Bahahaha

So there you have it. Another eccentric post. Two in one day! I'm on a roll!

Chopin was a man, too.

So really, I know it's lame I haven't posted in a freakload of a long time. That's kinda how I do.

Main events:
Acting. I love it. Jumping into it again! :D
Dance company. Terribly sad it's over. Dance tryouts are this week. Hmmmm. Dang.
Tuacahn. They like me. I get to sing for them every month. Oh shoot. I need to practice. Bahahaha.

In other news, I have free time on my hands. I highly enjoy it. I should go swimming tomorrow morning. And every other chance I get. Hey! Like on the 21st! Party! YEAH! :D

I wish my posts were as legit as Celeste's... I aspire to be like her. Hmmm. Well.

By the way, the weather is crazy today. I walked outside this morning to my car and headed straight back inside to change from shorts to pants. It was raining like nobody's business! All right, so it wasn't that bad, but it was still raining. And of course that was the night I decided to leave my windows partly unrolled. That was dumb.

Then today during my free period I went and got pictures for my scrapbook page for dance company. So as I was at Wal-Mart, I was hungry so I bought some cinnamon swirl bread and butter along with some plastic cutlery. I snacked on that, and now I have plastic cutlery for my car again. Japanese class will not be taking them again, thank you! Actually, running out to my car during class just so we could eat Japanese treats with cutlery was really fun. I would do it again. :D But I digress.

Sunday night Celeste mentioned I need to get over that darned Kevin.(This live version doesn't do the recorded version justice, but... it definitely shows enough.) Ironically, I met a Kevin at Sinclair last night. I about died from laughter. On the inside, though. He thought I was odd enough. But obviously not odd enough to leave after his pizza was done. He just stood there and talked to Austin and I for what seemed like ages. It was super fun. We know how to party. I wonder if he ever got Dr. Mario out of his head... Hmmmm.

Speaking of last night, I met the coolest couple ever at Barnes & Noble. They were looking at movies, and somehow I ended up talking to her. It started with The Pianist. Then it evolved to foreign films. Where it later evolved to classical movies, acting, their children's schooling futures... It was nuts. They did end up buying one of my suggested movies, though. :) I really, really enjoyed that couple. They told me the reason they home school their kids is so they can travel a lot. Neat, huh! They said they wanted to take their kids to all 50 states before they "leave the nest." They're on state 43 so far, and their oldest is 14. They're on a roll, if you ask me. I was wishing I could be one of their children!

Tonight I must do homework and practice. I must, I must. Hmmm. I think with my free Tuacahn tickets I'll go see Tarzan first. :D It looks like it will be so much fun. I hear that Cats is incredible, too. But I've always made fun of Cats. I think it is the weirdest storyline. I'll debate on going to that one. But who knows. You never know what you like until you find out what it actually is.