Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ah, I love anime conventions.

I can’t wait for the convention that’s coming to my town. It’s probably going to be tiny, but I don’t care--I get to dress up as Link! I’m totally stoked. ^_^ *Looks at time* Ack! It’s late for my tired body. *Eyes getting droopier* Must... Sleep... *Head smacks keyboard* WH-WHOA!


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Aaw, she's so cute. ^_^

Yes. Hailey.
She is a very cute girl.
And it was her birthday on Friday.
She turned 12.
But in all actuality, she's 3.
But nonetheless old enough to be in Young Womens.
I'm so excited for her.
I would use an excamation point for that last statement.
But I'm only using periods.
Back to the main point.
Hailey is totally cute.
And I love her.
A great deal.
Very great.
The end.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Dad's really funny.
He says he'll only be a minute with someone, and he ends up being an hour. The one and only reason is, is that he talks. Boy, does he talk. Talk, talk, talk. Wow, I was sitting in the car this morning, and I read two, or three large chapters while I waited; then started listening to music when he finally came over to the car to go, and then he sat and talked some more with the guy! I didn't wholly mind, I was part of the conversation at this point, but we still spent a good 15 minutes more there. Gosh, silly daddy...

I also ask him a simple question and he goes on and on about it for, at least, another 15 minutes after the question was answered. Once, while I was doing math, I asked about taxes and he gave me a lecture of it for an hour and a half. O_O I decided since I had a thorough lecture, that would suffice for my math. That talk took longer than it would have if I had done my math without any questions. Oh, dear.

So basically, be careful about what you ask my dad. You might have enough information on the subject to write a book.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Celebration time, come on!

YEAH! I made it to my Italian class on time! I was even early by like, a minute! Yesss... I rock. haha, Just kidding, I really don't. Not as hardcore as I'm thinking, anyway. Meh, what do you do?


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

-_- Ohmigosh.

I seem to have trouble getting to my Italian class on time. The first time (two weeks ago), I forgot about the time when we were at basketball practice, and then Mallory said it was 6:23. O_O I was like, "What time is it?!" Yeah, I was late. And then this last week Celeste's car wouldn't start. What the heck! The one day it doesn't want to start is the day I need to go to Italian. Suffice to say, I was a little late again. -_- So maybe this time I'll do better.

But I love my class, and my instructor is HOT! His name is Trevor. He's really nice. ^_^ I have fun looking at him... *blushes* You would too if you saw him!


Monday, February 11, 2008

Nooo! Don't do it!! *Smack* O_O

So this last Thursday, our church team had a basketball game (Yippee!). I LOVE basketball. Love it, love it, love it. Anyway, I think our coach Kristen was having some trouble, so I only got to go in for the first half for a VERY short time. Meh, oh well. I was playing the beautiful game of basketball, and I was being my vicious self, so--as always--I end up on the ground. In which Kristen replies, "Megan, everytime I look up you're on the ground!" It was HILARIOUS! It was so well timed I couldn't help but laugh my butt off. I was laughing so hard I had to force myself to keep playing the game. ^_^

So I got taken out, and then not long after, half time came. I decided that because I hadn't really warmed up at the beginning of the game, I'd warm up then. I'm warming up, and as I'm jumping to do a lay-up, one of my girls moved to RIGHT WHERE I WAS GOING TO LAND. It was terrifying. I didn't know what to do so I tried to readjust in midair--not a good idea, ladies and gentlemen--and I ended up coming down on my foot wrong so it rolled my ankle sideways. Then I heard *crunch*. OWIE!! I just crumpled on the ground and, honestly, I wanted to scream. But I couldn't! I couldn't cry, I couldn't talk, I couldn't scream, nothing. I was helpless. I was carried over to the record table to sit there and ice my foot. I wasn't able to go back into the game so I just sat and watched. MAN, that ankle hurt! But as I was watching, I thought, "wow! Mallory is doing awesome!" I mean, she may not be the best ball handler, and she has trouble shooting, but she was getting all of the rebounds. It was so cool. She probably got more than our team combined. She was on fire! I was yelling at her that she was doing amazing and to keep going. Our team ended up smoking the other one. It was thirty-something to twenty-something so we didn't do bad at all. But I think the biggest part was because Mallory would get the rebounds and then pass it off to someone who could shoot and dribble. It was a very good plan. ^_^

But I went to the doctor's on Friday and found out that it wasn't broken. HOORAY! I didn't think it was broken, but you never know. I sure couldn't walk on it and it was a gigantic bruised THING. It was disgusting. Yuck.

So that's my incredible tale! I guess the moral of the story is, is that you shouldn't try to readjust your body in midair. It doesn't work. Just mow down the person in your way. >.>

The end.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Umm... Dogs?

I seem to have a type of mood swing situation with my dogs. One day I hate their guts and the next I'm cuddling up next to them as if I've always thought of them as the apples of my eye. -_- I'm so confused. Why can't I make up my mind?! Do I like the little beasts or not?! I guess I'll never know. I sure had a rough go with them this week, that's for sure. But today I laid on the floor just so I could snuggle them, and then I fell asleep with them in my arms! It was very cute, but ultimately befuddling. o_O Hmmm...
So I suppose I must close with both the reader and the author pretty darn stupified. Oh well!