Tuesday, February 12, 2008

-_- Ohmigosh.

I seem to have trouble getting to my Italian class on time. The first time (two weeks ago), I forgot about the time when we were at basketball practice, and then Mallory said it was 6:23. O_O I was like, "What time is it?!" Yeah, I was late. And then this last week Celeste's car wouldn't start. What the heck! The one day it doesn't want to start is the day I need to go to Italian. Suffice to say, I was a little late again. -_- So maybe this time I'll do better.

But I love my class, and my instructor is HOT! His name is Trevor. He's really nice. ^_^ I have fun looking at him... *blushes* You would too if you saw him!


1 comment:

Celeste said...

Hey Meg.

That was not the one day my car decided not to start. It wouldn't start the Friday before, the Monday, and another day that I can't exactly remember. But the point is, my car doesn't hate you, it just choked.


Love, Celeste.